Thursday, May 31, 2012

Karin the writer.

It starts with an idea, a few scribbled notes and maybe a character or two featured in last night’s dream.  Then the work starts, the idea has to be fleshed out to become a story with a beginning, a middle and an end.  The characters have to take on life to guide reader of the story toward the final conclusion, whatever that may be.

Then there’s the editing part.  Changes may have to be made without altering the flow of the work while ensuring the tale is told how it should be.  An ebook need not be too long, but long enough to tell a story. But a printed book would have to be at least in excess of 90,000 words and that’s a lot of work.

If you think it’s easy to write try it.  Writing is hard work and yes it does mean burning the midnight oil, indeed there is writer’s block, and a lot of writing is pure toil.  At the end the result is hopefully a book or an ebook.  This is just the start of the real work.

Who will publish said masterpiece?  Inquiries are made with this publisher and with that publisher but to no avail.  The reject letters start to pile up.  Now my wife Karin has been through all this and worse, even though she’s managed to get books published, selling them is quite another story.

Karin knows from her “Dashboard” how many ebooks have sold and how many samples have been downloaded.  A lot more samples than the full book, it’s as if people with readers are looking for freebees and don’t seem to be concerned about the work that goes into writing, whether they like the style or not.

Do Karin’s books cost an arm and a leg?  No.  The most expensive of her ebooks has just been reduced by a buck to a princely, $3.99 and is easily downloaded.  Too much?  Come on, you’d pay more for a happy meal!

Where do you find her work? You could always try our website:

Enjoy her work.