Karin's Book "Seven Doors of Time" consists of seven short stories ranging from disasters (such as splitting America in half - nice one there) to Crime, Murder and Time Travel, with a bit of Romance thrown in for good measure. It cost her $9.99 to get the ISBN number. To find Karin's Book on line: Click Here the ebook costs just $2.99 but 30% of the book can be downloaded free.
If my own effort ever gets published I for one will be surprised, even so, my first is perhaps just over two thirds complete. I suppose I just need to get settled in and start bashing away at writing. I should warn you, while my effort is a bone crunching adventure with lots of bad guys, I can't help sticking humour in it - given that it is partly set in my home town of Oldham. As I keep telling people, the town once exported cotton but today it exports comedians; you don't have to be a comedian to live there - but it helps.
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