I've often heard references to 'liberals' as a group following a particular philosophy rather than a British political party (now of course Liberal Democrat). About these latter persons I am not concerned, but what does concern me is a body of thought that appears to translate 'liberal' to 'very little' in the sense that there is very little reason applied to a particular view. Indeed some seem to think there is none at all!
Okay, let's consider the term 'homophobic'. Who cooked up this term I can't say, but it is normally applied to those who express opposition in one form or another to homosexual or lesbian activity. If the term itself is neutral, then couldn't it be reversed? What about those homosexuals or lesbians who express opposition to heterosexual activity? Oh shock, oh horror, would this happen? Too damn right it would - and they'd call heterosexuals defending themselves 'homophobic'!
Now we see how liberal thought works - or doesn't. Over the decades I've numbered homosexuals and lesbians among my friends because they have not been 'in my face' regarding their preferences. What I most certainly object to is the 'in your face' attitude of the more vocal. There's a vast difference between reason and dictatorial attitudes that do not win friends, to the contrary they win only opposition and antagonism.
But let's consider the idea of at least one British Politician who wants to compel the Roman Catholic Church to marry gays. Sorry... not going to happen. If this idiot had any understanding of the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church he would know the following:
1. In the Catholic Church the couple marry each other through the exchange of vows.
2. The vows of Permanence, Fidelity and Children validate the marriage.
3. Marriage is a sacrament and as such cannot change.
Given that two men cannot naturally fulfill the vow of children and because the same applies to two women, also that its the couple who marry each other - not the Church, gay or lesbian marriage is physically impossible in the Catholic Church - the marriage would be invalid regardless of the law of the land.
Again, we have the notion of FORCE associated with liberal thinking regarding homosexuality, while justification does not even consider the teaching of the Catholic Church. Is this even what homosexuals have been asking for? No. A Catholic homosexual should be familiar with Catholic teaching and probably wouldn't ask, if he or for that matter she, was unfamiliar with Catholic teaching he or she probably wouldn't be interested anyway.
This is not just about homosexuality. Those liberals attempting to dictate to society jump to conclusions. For example. In Britain a town council banned the Christmas decorations for the town center. The reason they gave was that it may be offensive to the Muslim minority. The complaints followed... not only from Christians, but also from Muslims who said that Christmas was a time for families and that they enjoyed it as much as Christians. The point is, the council didn't even bother to ask the Muslims, they made an assumption that had no foundation. A factor that seems common to liberal thinking.
I tend not to listen to liberals for this reason... there isn't any... reason that is.
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