I've just downloaded windows Explorer 8 and it took a while, not only because the thing took it's time, but other programs wanted in on the downloading. Updates for this program and for that! By the time it was done I'd missed my dinner.
Now the real fun begins: will the programs work? They may well work - at least for those with a degree in computer science who can somehow understand the gobbledygook that often accompanies the instructions. I thought that HTML meant, "Heck, This Mother's Loose" meaning a screw on my laptop before it went toes up. Others tell me differently, HTML doesn't mean that.
Little brother (Kev) meaning younger rather than smaller, the sod is over 6' and while he may not tower over me, he can make me feel small.
In the picture, Kev is sitting on the wall of a castle overlooking a Welsh village. He and my brother Austin (Aussie) were touring Wales with Karin and myself.
Yep, Kev and Austin are Oldham born and that means trouble if you haven't got a sense of humour. Aussie likes to tell stories - the taller the better. He once convinced a woman he was working with that he was building a robot to replace her and her colleagues. He was actually wiring a controller for a laundry press.
Maybe I'll introduce you to the mob... sorry, family members later. Right now I'm hungry after all that downloading!
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