Blogging, as such is a new concept to me and whether I'll keep it up remains a question that only time will answer. I suppose it will be a case of watch this space and see what happens. My wife Karin's Blog and this one can also be accessed through our web site: The Cook Companies
Watching the news the other day, I was struck by the objections people were expressing to the airport body scanners and new security measures. I thought maybe one answer to that would be to arrive at the airport completely naked and have done with it! If we were to all travel naked by air - where would the terrorist hide the tools of his trade? Now if you think I'm serious you are more nuts than I am - and that's saying summat! When I am serious about something I'll let you know.
As I said above, I'm from the North West of Britain - Oldham to be precise - a town that manufactures and exports comedians. Having a sense of humour may not be necessary to live in Oldham, but it certainly helps and there's no question about that.
This is what happened when an Oldham lad parked his tank!!
I hope ye all get the message!
And you wonder why Mick doesn't drive???????